We all pursue happiness, almost constantly.
Yes, I understand there is a difference between happiness and joy. Joy is far preferable to happiness, as it actually lasts, withstands the turmoil of life, and exists beyond our circumstances. I would rather have joy any day.
That doesn't mean I don't want happiness. We all do, I think.
But I agree with Apollinaire on this one. We seek so frantically for happiness that we don't take the time to actually enjoy it when we have it. I think this is particularly true for our Western/American culture: we focus intensely on work and achievement. Doing-doing-doing constantly, it is rare to slow down the hectic pace of life.
I'm making an effort to really take time and enjoy the blessings I've been given... they are many! In this Christmas season especially, we can be so busy with present-buying, party-going, baking, decorating, planning, traveling, etc. that we are always thinking about the next thing, not taking time to focus on the present (no pun intended).
Maybe I'm the only one who feels this way... conflicted, over-committed, hectic. I can be lame like that. But for this next month especially, I am taking time out to pause, reflect, and thank God for each small happiness that He gives me by enjoying it as much as possible. Because He is good, and what He gives is worthy of my time.