Thursday, July 26, 2012

Long time, no see...

It's been a while, hasn't it? I've neglected the internets of late. Why? Well... It's complicated.

In January, I traveled to India on a medical mission to help with a free vision and dental clinic for the impoverished people of rural Andhra Pradesh. It was an amazing experience, and it changed a lot of things in my life. When I came back to the USA, I stopped blogging... partially because of the confusion inside me, and partially because of the clarity inside me. I wasn't ready to let it all out on the internet, but I also wasn't ready to write whimsical posts as though all that jumble wasn't eating at me.

Soooo... that's my belaboured explanation of my long absence from Words and Whimsy. I've been processing, taking some private time to focus on other things. I have a few fun posts planned for the next couple of months, and I hope you all enjoy them as much as I enjoy creating them!

The big news is: I'm moving to India in September. !! I'll be teaching English to a group of largely orphaned children at New Hope School in Chillakallu, Andhra Pradesh, and I'll be helping the ministers there with a writing project. I get to live on the grounds with New Hope Children's Home and spend time with the sweet children I've befriended over the past few years. It's an amazing opportunity, one that blesses and challenges me beyond explanation. I finally confirmed dates and bought my ticket, so it's actually happening! Full steam ahead from now on, and I plan to update as often as I can along the way. I've been handed such a beautiful path, and I know that it's important for me to share each step: not only so that others can see what God does, but so that I can better process and remember His providence and care. Setting up a memorial to His grace.

Keep up with my trip on my new blog, Loving the Untouchable.



Monday, January 16, 2012

Laugh without fear of the future

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Ah, the Proverbs 31 woman: a paragon of Biblical perfection, the unattainable goal of all good Christian women. It's an overwhelming passage of scripture, really. As a woman, I look at the passage as a whole and know there is no way that I can be that perfect woman. 

But if I were to choose one verse to pray for, one verse to ask God to make real in my life right now, it would be this one. 

I know that with His Spirit in me, I can become a godly--not perfect, but godly--woman who reflects His image. So I'm praying for a covering of strength and dignity, that I can laugh without fear of the future, resting in His promise. 

It's that fear thing that I'm struggling with again. But He is bigger than my fears. And I would rather laugh fearlessly than shrink back in cowardice. 

Also, can I just say that I love that the Bible points out that this perfect woman is full of laughter. Life doesn't have to be so serious all the time. <3

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Take a gander at this creative video, in which the creator filmed one second of footage in each place he visited, then put it all together for a dose of awesome.

Watching this makes me more determined to see more of the world this year. Much more.

It is a new year, after all. Happy travels, 2012!


Sunday, December 11, 2011

Get lost

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Today I looked at the stars--really looked at them--for the first time in a while. It was so still and so vast and so lovely. You should try it sometime. :)


(Image source)

Thursday, December 8, 2011

The pursuit of happiness

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We all pursue happiness, almost constantly.

Yes, I understand there is a difference between happiness and joy. Joy is far preferable to happiness, as it actually lasts, withstands the turmoil of life, and exists beyond our circumstances. I would rather have joy any day.

That doesn't mean I don't want happiness. We all do, I think.

But I agree with Apollinaire on this one. We seek so frantically for happiness that we don't take the time to actually enjoy it when we have it. I think this is particularly true for our Western/American culture: we focus intensely on work and achievement. Doing-doing-doing constantly, it is rare to slow down the hectic pace of life. 

I'm making an effort to really take time and enjoy the blessings I've been given... they are many! In this Christmas season especially, we can be so busy with present-buying, party-going, baking, decorating, planning, traveling, etc. that we are always thinking about the next thing, not taking time to focus on the present (no pun intended). 

Maybe I'm the only one who feels this way... conflicted, over-committed, hectic. I can be lame like that. But for this next month especially, I am taking time out to pause, reflect, and thank God for each small happiness that He gives me by enjoying it as much as possible. Because He is good, and what He gives is worthy of my time.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Aaaand.... we're back! A beautiful mess...

So the blog has been getting lonely as of late! This happened because of...well, life. Real life gets messy, doesn't it?

But in the midst of all that chaos, it can be inspiring to pause and appreciate the beauty of it.

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Sometimes a mess can be beautiful.

Take note. Breathe deeply. Open your eyes.


Saturday, September 3, 2011

Facing Fears: Moving Day

Yesterday my very best friend and blogging partner--yes, Brandie--realized a lifelong dream in moving to the beach!

I would like to take the time to say a few words on this momentous occasion:

First of all: YAY! I cannot explain how happy this makes me. Brandie and I are both beach girls at heart, and being close to the ocean is an absolute pleasure.

Also, I am trying hard not to be jealous. Something that helps with this is the thought of visiting her cute little ocean-side house ridiculously often. I get to sleep on her couch like a vagabond whenever I want!

And last but certainly not least, Brandie deserves to be commended for this move, as she is facing her fears in a big way. It takes a lot of bravery to relocate to a place where everything and everyone is new, leaving behind your comfort zone. I am proud of her for following God's lead in her life and taking a leap into the unknown.

Basically, to use the beloved old adage: you go, girl.

<3 Chelsea

P.S. --Brandie, I miss you already. It's just too weird for words that we aren't shouting out delirious conversations across our shared bathroom in the middle of the night or laughing about the nicknames we've given unsuspecting strangers over yogurt at Tango on a daily basis. But luckily when I visit you next week, we can wake up to the sound of waves, hike the bluffs and drink tea while the fog rolls back from the harbor. And I am totally into that.